Thursday, 23 January 2014

Song Inspiration | Cannonball - Lea Michele

 A few days ago as I was listening to some songs I adore at the moment and I thought, why not start a new theme (and my very first) at my blog? The actual idea is to write down about the message and inspiration I receive from several songs and share it with you. I adore inspiring people and even helping them..

 So, today's theme song is Cannonball by the lovely Lea Michele. As most of you will propably know she struggled with an awful event the previous summer and I feel so sad for that. And months after that, this song is being released. Basically, the message that I receive from this song is to follow my dreams and feel free. It is the moment when you feel lost, empty, sad and you hurt so much, but nobody knows. And then like a sparkle of light you start feeling something again and you find power in your dreams, in your own future. This is the best thing you have to do to set free from the pain: think what your secret dream is and start making it happen. It might sound silly to others, but who cares? It is your own path to happiness and that is the only thing you should care about.

 Let's all fly like cannonballs to our dreamy future, it is the best medicine for loneliness and sadness.

 I am really looking forward to read if you are going to enjoy these kind of posts, or if you found any inspiration. Music takes a huge place in our lives and our thoughts on the songs deserves to be shared.

We'll talk soon,
Helena xox

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